"Braveheart" is one of the most important movies of the nineties, it is an American…
An American drama movie, adapted from a German novel, by Bernard Schlink, having the same name. The movie “The Reader” takes place in 1958, when Michael went out for a walk and suddenly felt dizzy and stopped at the entrance to a house to vomit. He was soon helped by a woman named Hana, who is many years older than him, and works as a prison guard in one of the central prisons. Michael walked into Hannah’s house and rested for a while. Shortly after, Michael visited Hannah, as a return of favor for the help she had given him, this visit was the beginning of an intimate relationship that then took the form of a rather strange love, Michael, sitting next to Hannah in bed, used to read her stories and Hanna listened to him. She liked this very much.
Days passed, and Michael used to visit Hannah, until one day he found her leaving the house without knowing her address or destination. Years later, Michael studied law and began defending cases. Once while he was in court, a group of women entered the hall, and the attendant shouted the name of Hannah, suddenly his eyes brightened and he remembered the name of Hana that had been etched in his imagination for years. Hannah was accused of burning three hundred Jews in a church. At first, Hana admitted that the camp was called, Schwitz camp, and it was scheduled that every night, ten women would be executed, but she denied burning the church, but then later admitted that she had burned the church. Michael knew that Hana could not read and write, he tried to intervene to convince the court that she could not read and write, but backed out at the last moment. Michael got married and had two children, and one day he found one of the books he was reading to Hannah. He started recording a book for her in his own voice and sent it to her in prison. On the day of her release, the guards found that she had hanged herself and left a letter donating her money to the church’s survivors.
The movie depicts the environmental conditions of a woman who did not believe in the Jewish Holocaust, which was (a point for discussion) and the subject of the cinema. The movie did not sympathize with Hana, but on the contrary, passed a message (punishment) to her that the Holocaust had produced an unjust people who loves to assume the role of the only victim in the world. An example of this is Michael’s meeting with the lone survivor at the end of the movie.