The artist's ability is always manifested in expressing what fills his soul and inspires him…
The image in all its details, follow the person of the modern age. Modernity has now become an (image), with its main title, as it enters every home, invades the life of every human being, in many ways, such as TV or the Internet, or other image display media. The image, in all its forms, became a means of expressing everything that pertains to life in general and in particular. Humans intended to adapt the image to achieve the greatest benefit. It was a means of expressing everything that goes on in the mind of a man, to become with time a tool for his enslavement. The visual culture in our time is one of the most important cultures that the Arab person should pay attention to, in its importance in keeping pace with scientific and technical developments, and the vast leaps, which the image expresses without words. We can simply note the importance of the image as it has become a theater for discussion and presenting opinions, as it is the first to form ideas, break barriers, and break the stereotype of many beliefs and customs.
The vision always needs to be normalized with different human groups in the field of culture, work and behavior. By that we mean the (anthropological) meaning of the cultural concept. Perhaps the visual culture needs to be defined, and what is meant by it; When we say “we have to have the mechanisms that control the work of the image to express a certain issue,” we mean, of course, what is termed (the concept of human culture). We must also understand that the permanent work and the search for the best ways to convey the meaning of the image, and disseminate it to the largest segment of recipients with endless inspirations is an integral part of the image culture. Taking into account that the picture was not and will not be innocent, it is a portrait that needs a lot of research and scrutiny, because it expresses in a single shot thousands of words without uttering a single letter.
Confronting reality in the best way is only with an image that attacks the opposites. The preparation of the (altered) image is of a number of diverse outputs that are at the heart of visual communication, it is the basis on which the cinematic work depends, and visual thinking is one of its most important components to confront reality through what it carries of procedural tools required by the cinematic situation. These procedural tools must pass through three main stages: scenario, achievement, and montage. It can be said that the scenario is the basis on which the entire work is based, after which comes the stage of completion of the work, which is termed (actual investigation) until the stage of montage, which is the last stage before completing and presenting the work. It can be said that the image has many ways through which it reaches the mind of the viewer, whether through live interaction as in the theater, or by relying on the formations of color, lighting and photography, as in the arts of painting and architecture, to move the scenes from their current place to other places, with a magical moment from the imagination of an amazing creative mind (image).
Rami Maki