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Cosmic dimensions are one of the most mysterious concepts that raise questions about their truth. What you should know is that these dimensions are not physical transitions from one place to another, but rather sensory and spiritual transitions linked to your inner frequencies and consciousness. When we talk about cosmic dimensions such as the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions, we are referring to different levels of consciousness and spiritual development.

In energy sciences, these levels are called cosmic dimensions. They can be moved to through increased awareness and deep connection with the self. It is important to realize that not moving to a higher dimension does not mean that these dimensions are a myth. Many have already moved to them, or will reach them after stages of spiritual healing.

The third dimension: The life of primitive man under negative cosmic laws

In the third dimension, man lives a limited and controlled life. He remains under the influence of society, customs, and legacies, and thinks stereotypically. He does not have independence in thinking or creativity, but rather follows the herd and is afraid to confront negative beliefs. Here the negative law of attraction controls; People attract negative situations, harmful relationships, and constant fear.

What happens in the third dimension is a negative reflection of events through the law of reflection. Relationships become toxic, and people live in a vicious circle of repetitive experiences. Individuals cannot pay attention to the universal messages, they are in a state of constant waiting, waiting for the future without making any real changes in their lives.

The fourth dimension: The beginning of rebellion and liberation

With the transition to the fourth dimension, a person becomes free to choose. He begins to analyze things and ask questions, and gets out of the circle of dependency and blind imitation. The vibrations in this dimension begin to rise, and people see the future with optimistic eyes.

In this dimension, the law of attraction turns into a positive tool, as people begin to attract their dreams and ambitions through continuous striving and hard work. As for the law of reflection, it is less harmful compared to the third dimension, as individuals take responsibility for their actions and work to improve their lives. They begin to understand the universal messages and benefit from them to develop themselves and elevate those around them.

The ego in the fourth dimension fluctuates, but it is not completely in control. Here, people seek self-development and learning from mistakes, and the main goal is to seek wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

The Fifth Dimension: A Journey to Miracles and Inner Peace

In the fifth dimension, a person reaches a level of spiritual awareness where he becomes surrendered to the Creator alone, transcending dependence on humans or the mind. A person achieves a state of inner serenity after completing his great awakening, and the soul begins to revive and purify.

Here, the law of attraction stops and the law of miracles begins. Everything a person needs is achieved easily, without effort or trouble. The connection with the universe becomes direct, and cosmic messages are received and understood deeply, creating a direct spiritual connection with the Creator.

In this dimension, there is no ego. A person becomes completely in control of it. Relationships in the fifth dimension are loving, pure and luminous, where a person lives in a state of inner peace with himself and with others. This peace does not mean absolute happiness or not going through difficulties, but rather it means complete satisfaction and surrender to fate and destiny, and coexisting with experiences in a mature and peaceful manner.

Many people think that those who live in the fifth dimension do not interact with the third or fourth world, or that they are perfect and infallible. This is a misconception, as these people live among us, but they are characterized by high energy that gives them calm and peace even in the most difficult circumstances.

Understanding the cosmic dimensions

Those who live in the fifth dimension are not affected by the negative energy around them. Anyone with low energy becomes invisible to them, and they do not engage in sterile discussions or confrontations with these people. They live by the principle of “no harm, no harm,” and allow negative people to go their way without getting involved with them.

People of this dimension are characterized by a high ability to transform negative feelings into positive energy. They transform sadness into creativity, anger into healthy limits, and darkness into light. They have an exceptional ability to overcome life’s challenges with minimal effort, as they are in complete harmony with the universe and comfortable with their higher selves.

They also do not live in the past or the future, but rather focus entirely on the present moment. This deep awareness of the present makes them more stable and peaceful in dealing with life.

Ego Management in the Fifth Dimension

Although the ego does not disappear completely in this dimension, the person has a “remote control” to control it. They use it only when absolutely necessary, allowing them to make wise decisions without the interference of the ego or negative emotions.

These people have created their own reality. They have understood the secrets of the universe and connected with their higher minds and souls. This connection has helped them access the secrets of life and existence, and they have become able to help others ascend with them to higher levels of consciousness.

How to Make the Transition to the Fifth Dimension

To make the transition to the fifth dimension, you must be prepared to let go of the past and all social restrictions. In this dimension, you do not do what others want you to do, but what your soul wants. The person becomes free, living a life full of unconditional love and tolerance.

Those who reach the fifth dimension are not surrendered to humans or to the mind as happens in the third dimension, nor are they subject to the heart alone as happens in the fourth dimension. They live in a state of spiritual certainty, connected to the universe in absolute harmony.

The Role of the Universe in the Fifth Dimension

The universe in this dimension works for these people. They are made to make their lives easier and help them on their spiritual journey. They come out of crises easily and quickly, and do not live in stress or fear. If someone hurts them, they do not hurt them back, but rather let the universe deal with the situation.

They represent light and healing to others. The inner peace they possess gives them the ability to face life in a completely different way than others, which makes them

Always in a state of spiritual and psychological stability.

Finally, people with this dimension do not live in an ideal world. Inner peace does not mean that they will not face challenges or problems, but they face those challenges with completely different reactions, as they live in complete contentment and surrender.

Mr. Rami Makki

Business Consultant

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