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In our current era, the Internet and social media are not just tools, but the center of our daily lives. Companies rely on the Internet to conduct their business, and individuals communicate via social media platforms at every moment. But have you ever imagined a world where the Internet suddenly stops, and with it all social media disappears? What would this radical transformation be like? And how would people and societies be affected globally?

This hypothetical scenario may seem impossible to some, but it opens the door to thinking about how heavily we depend on technology. For some, the absence of the Internet and social media may mean losing a part of life itself. Our brains are programmed to certain patterns of life that depend entirely on this digital world, and its sudden change may be similar to losing our identity while we are alive.

The impact of Heidegger’s philosophy on understanding technology

The German philosopher “Martin Heidegger” indicated in his philosophy that technology has become an “existence” in our lives, and is no longer viewed as a mere tool. This radical change in the way we deal with technology means that it is no longer just a means to achieve our goals, but has become an integral part of our daily being. If it suddenly disappears, we don’t just lose tools, we lose a fundamental existence through which we live.

Heidegger described this transformation as technology becoming “non-existent,” a term that refers to its presence becoming so natural and integrated that we no longer notice it. If technology is taken away from our lives, we will feel as if we have lost something fundamental to our reality and identity. This is what makes the scenario of the absence of the Internet and digital media so shocking on psychological and social levels.

The expected economic recession

If the Internet suddenly stops working, the first to be affected will be the global economy. In a world that is completely dependent on digital systems, all companies that rely on e-commerce will be disrupted, and international supply chains will stop working. Large and small companies that rely on data analysis, digital marketing, and online business management will face enormous difficulties in continuing their operations.

This economic impact does not stop at companies only, but also includes banks and financial institutions that rely on the Internet to complete daily transactions. The movement of digital money will stop, and global markets will be immediately affected, leading to a massive economic recession. Even traditional businesses will struggle to adapt to this sudden change, especially in a world that relies on digital data.

Social and psychological impact on individuals

Many people rely on social media as a primary means of interacting with the world. These platforms have become part of people’s identity and social relationships. If they suddenly disappear, people will feel isolated and disconnected from the world. Some may experience a near-depression experience, especially those who rely on these platforms as a primary source of communication and emotional support.

Social media is not just a means of entertainment; it is a means that people use to express themselves, share their thoughts, and build their personal and professional relationships. Its absence may lead to a state of psychological and social disconnection, and many will feel a deep void that they cannot easily fill.

How will the world deal with the absence of technology?

Despite the potential negative impacts, there are positive aspects that may arise from this scenario. In the absence of the Internet and social media, we may return to more traditional lifestyles. People will rediscover real personal communication, and real social gatherings will take their place instead of digital interaction.

This change could be an opportunity for people to step away from the pressures of digital life and return to activities that enhance mental and physical well-being. For example, we can find time to read, exercise, and engage in real activities that enrich our lives.

But this return to traditional ways will not be easy. We live in a complex world that relies heavily on technology, and the transition from the digital world to the real world requires great preparation at both the individual and institutional levels. Companies and organizations must think about alternative plans to manage their operations in the event of a complete technology outage.

Philosophical aspect: Can we really live without the Internet?

From a philosophical perspective, the bigger question is: Can we really live without the Internet? Can we really adapt to a world without the digital means that our daily lives depend on? The answer may be difficult, because the world we currently live in is a world built entirely on technology.

However, we must remember that humans have lived for thousands of years without the Internet or modern technology. Returning to this way of life may be possible, but it will not happen easily. This will require a radical change in how we live, work, and communicate, and it may take a long time before we can adapt to this new reality.

What can we learn from this scenario?

Even if this scenario does not happen in reality, it invites us to reflect on our dependence on technology and social media. We need to rethink how we use these tools, and strike a balance between digital life and real life.

The solution may be to reduce our dependence on the internet and social media in thoughtful ways. We should strive to achieve a kind of technological independence, so that we are able to deal with life without having to rely entirely on digital tools. This may require training individuals in new skills, enhancing traditional communication methods, and developing strategies to ensure that business and social life continue in the event of a technical outage.

Learning to balance using technology and staying away from it at certain times may help us live in a more balanced and fulfilling way.

We must always be prepared for any sudden changes that may occur in our digital world, and always look for ways to achieve balance in our lives.

Mr. Rami Makki

Business Consultant

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