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While advanced countries are racing to discover space and develop modern medical technologies, we find ourselves stuck in outdated concepts and traditions that do not serve progress or support innovation. What we have not realized until today is that the only way to change our reality is to turn to science and develop minds, and move away from the intellectual restrictions imposed by ancient legacies.

‎Narrow view of the past and ignoring the present

‎While many peoples have been able to invent the car and the technology that drives the world today, we find ourselves clinging to the idea of ​​​​”riding the car” without seeking to develop or improve it. We have not yet reached the stage where we realize that blind imitation is no longer the path to success. While others are developing new vaccines to combat diseases, we are still searching in books of ancient medicine, ignoring the modern developments that are announced every day.

‎Adhering to heritage is not a defect, but when heritage becomes an obstacle to progress, then we must stop and rethink. Listening to old sheikhs and interpretations of science, medicine and engineering, although these interpretations were valid at the time, is not necessarily the solution today. Science is always evolving, and cannot stand still.

‎Mind and critical thinking are the foundation

‎The biggest problem we face is that we have become prisoners of old theories, which we believe that questioning them is a sin and a major sin. This belief restricts minds and makes us unable to think critically, which prevents us from progressing. We should not be afraid of difference or of reconsidering intellectual legacies, but our goal should always be to search for the truth.

‎The human mind is the most powerful tool given to us, and instead of burying it in theories that no longer serve reality, we should use it for creativity and innovation. Critical thinking, scientific research, and developing knowledge are the keys to progress. Once we free ourselves from the shackles of outdated sayings, we will actually begin to climb the ladder of progress.

‎Benefiting from global scientific progress

‎While the world’s laboratories contribute to discovering everything new in the field of medicine, drugs and vaccines, we find that our peoples still live on old recipes and traditional ideas. Even when science advances and announces new solutions to diseases and health problems, there are those who still believe that the solutions lie in old practices that have not been scientifically proven.

‎In advanced societies, investment is made in research and development in order to provide new and effective solutions, while we rely on what we have inherited from the past. We must realize that science does not stop, and that what was valid in the past may not be useful today. Therefore, we must benefit from global expertise and apply modern sciences in our fields.

‎We are not targeted, but incapable of development

‎One of the most dominant concepts in our minds is the constant feeling that we are targeted, and that everything that happens around us is a conspiracy against us. This feeling of helplessness does not serve us or help us progress. The truth is that all we need is to believe in ourselves, and work hard to develop our societies through science and hard work.

Other nations did not go into space because they were targeted, but because they worked to develop their sciences and technologies. They did not develop new vaccines because they wanted to deprive us of the benefits, but because they invested in minds and scientific research. We must change this feeling of helplessness, and believe that we are capable of achieving the same achievements, if we rely on science and knowledge.

‎Free yourself from the shackles of tradition and open the doors to innovation

‎The captivity of traditions and old sayings is the biggest obstacle to our progress. We are no longer able to think outside the box because we are afraid of everything new. Traditions have their place in our societies, but they should not be an obstacle to creativity and innovation.

‎We must free ourselves from these shackles, and open our minds to science and knowledge. The societies that are thriving today are those that have decided to be leaders in the field of innovation and technology, not those that cling to the past. If we want to be like these societies, we must follow the same path.

‎How do we start the journey of change?

‎Change begins with education. We need to reconsider our education systems and focus on modern science, technology, and innovation. We need to raise generations that believe in the power of science and consider it the only means of progress. Moving away from old theories and benefiting from modern knowledge is the first step towards transformation.

Innovation does not happen overnight, but it requires a culture that believes in renewal and development. We must be prepared to change our concepts and accept the new, and not adhere to what does not serve our interests. This journey requires courage, but it is the only path to renaissance.

Investing in minds and building a new future

Investing in minds is the solution. If we invest in education, scientific research, and innovation, we can achieve what other countries have achieved. We must be willing to abandon ideas that no longer serve us, and work on developing new ideas through research and study.

The world is changing rapidly, and technology is evolving daily. If we want to be part of this change, we must be ready to join the innovation race. Only through science and knowledge can we build a better future for us and our future generations.

M. Rami Makki Business Consultant

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